Recreating the Structure

  September 22, 2023 | By Shannon DeConda, CPC, CEMC, CEMA, CPMA, CRTT Let’s get uncomfortably honest. With continued reimbursement cuts, like this year’s $9-12k per provider E/M cut, organizations cannot sustain 100% coding validation. Now, let’s get brutally honest. This is compounded by a lack of truly skilled and knowledgeable coders looking to fill the…

Pre-Op Visits vs. Pre-Op Clearance Visits: Which are Billable?

  August 11, 2023 | By Terry A. Fletcher BS, CPC, CCC, CEMC, CCS, CCS-P, CMC, CMSCS, ACS-CA, SCP-CA, QMGC, QMCRC, QMPM | Terry Fletcher Consulting, Inc. | Healthcare Coding and Reimbursement Consultant, Educator and Auditor | Podcast Host, CodeCast®, NSCHBC Edge Podcast, #TerryTuesday TCG Podcast | NAMAS Educational Speaker and Writer A question comes up often regarding…

Cataract Surgeries

  June 16, 2023 | By Rhonda Buckholtz, Owner, Coding and Reimbursement Experts Cataract surgeries are the most commonly performed procedure in ophthalmology, and there are many nuances when auditing that you need to keep in mind. If you stay current on the legal cases that are published, you will see that co-management of cataract…