Problems Addressed During an Encounter

  December 15, 2023 | By Stephanie Allard, CPC, CEMA, RHIT One area that keeps coming up in my conversations and education sessions is the definition and understanding, or misunderstanding, of the concept of a “problem addressed” during an encounter and how that is applied to E/M services. As treating practitioners document and as we…

What You Need to Know About Prolonged Services in 2021

  December 25, 2020 | By By Grant Huang, CPC, CPMA The New Year is nearly upon us and with it, implementation of the much-talked-about 2021 E/M guidelines for office/outpatient codes 99202-99215. These guidelines include completely revamping how time works for selecting code levels, which in turn has resulted in brand new rules for prolonged…

Ask The Auditor: Leveling Chest Pain in the Emergency Room

One of the amazing benefits of a NAMAS membership is “Ask The Expert”.  For this “Take”, I’m going to share one of the questions submitted to us by a NAMAS member, Carol, about emergency room leveling related around chest pain and high complexity. So, Carol writes that the data column for most of their patients…